[Human Resources] Genda, Takashi Kataoka appointed as president Taiki Watanabe and Kohei Hahara promoted to managing directors Mariko Hayashi, a writer, and Kanako Tajiri, a lawyer, became outside directors
On this day (March 12), GENDA announced that Mr. Takashi Kataoka, Chairman of the Board of Directors, will be appointed as President and Representative Director on April 25. The current President and CEO, Mai Shin, will continue to support management from the standpoint of logistical support as a director. Mr. Taiki Watanabe, Director and CFO, and Mr. Kohei Hahara, Director and CSO, who has overseen all M&A transactions since the company's founding, will be promoted to Managing Director. In addition, the highest responsibility for the amusement center business ......
The linked article is in Japanese.
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