[d Anime Store (3/11)] "Shanfro" and "A-Rank Party Withdrawal" are fierce battle for the top "Sentai Red" soars ...

[d Anime Store (3/11)] "Shanfro" and "A-Rank Party Withdrawal" are fierce battle for the top "Sentai Red" soars ...
In today's d-anime store rankings, "Shangri-La Frontier 2nd Season" and "I left the A-rank party and headed for the depths of the labyrinth with my former students" continue to compete fiercely for first and second place. The latest episodes of both episodes were released over the weekend, suggesting that many fans continue to watch. In addition, the annual jump up on Tuesday was "Sentai Red: Become an Adventurer in Another World". Every Tuesday there is a new episode ......

The linked article is in Japanese.