"Inomata Mutsumi Art Book MIA" will be released in June. Focusing on original illustrations of beloved cats, copyrighted works such as "Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula", and rough works that he worked on until the end. Illustrations from the first art book are also included.

"Inomata Mutsumi Art Book MIA" will be released in June. Focusing on original illustrations of beloved cats, copyrighted works such as "Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula", and rough works that he worked on until the end. Illustrations from the first art book are also included.
Anime / illustrator "Mutsumi Inomata" art book "Mutsumi Inomata" art book "Inomata Mutsumi Gashu MIA" will be released on June 26, 2025. Reservations have also been accepted on each EC site....

The linked article is in Japanese.