Cygames launches a gacha in which "Gran Alegria" appears as a nurturing Uma Musume ... The early implementation of a rare famous miler who was active until 21 years is a hot topic

Cygames launches a gacha in which "Gran Alegria" appears as a nurturing Uma Musume ... The early implementation of a rare famous miler who was active until 21 years is a hot topic
Cygames has launched the "Pickup Pretty Derby Gacha" today, March 11, at 12:00 p.m., featuring "Gran Alegria" as a trained Uma Musume in "Uma Musume Pretty Derby". "Gran Alegria" is a horse managed by trainer Kazuo Fujisawa, who is known as Meihakuraku, and competes with strong horses such as Almond Eye and Indy Champ, and has won many big races such as the Yasuda Kinen, the Mile Championship, the Sprinter's Stakes, and the Sakura Sho....

The linked article is in Japanese.