Actor Takayuki Yamada will broadcast a new work of the educational program "Survival Strategies Learned from Plants: Speaker Takayuki Yamada" with surreal "anthropomorphism" for three consecutive weeks from January 18th. Can you withstand the temperature difference between the crazy blur that continues with a straight face and the expertise that you can learn well?

Actor Takayuki Yamada will broadcast a new work of the educational program "Survival Strategies Learned from Plants: Speaker Takayuki Yamada" with surreal "anthropomorphism" for three consecutive weeks from January 18th. Can you withstand the temperature difference between the crazy blur that continues with a straight face and the expertise that you can learn well?
The program became a hot topic for actor Takayuki Yamada's surreal "anthropomorphic" production. In 2023, he also received a special award from the Botanical Society of Japan...

The linked article is in Japanese.