"Nobunaga's Ambition Departed" Strategy: New SSR Warlord [Misuzu no Doomed] Yasumasa Sakakibara's performance commentary. He is a support-type warlord who greatly increases the durability rate of the Tokugawa family troops, and is a good match for Tokugawa Ieyasu [Diary #195]

"Nobunaga's Ambition Departed" Strategy: New SSR Warlord [Misuzu no Doomed] Yasumasa Sakakibara's performance commentary. He is a support-type warlord who greatly increases the durability rate of the Tokugawa family troops, and is a good match for Tokugawa Ieyasu [Diary #195]
We will deliver the play diary of the Sengoku walk game "Nobunaga's Ambition Dejin". In the 195th installment, we will explain the performance of the newly added [Misuzu no Dooms] Yasumasa Sakakibara....

The linked article is in Japanese.