"Hebbang" Yurina Amami, who plays Tsukasa Tojo, and Yu Serizawa, who plays Kawai Asakura, talk about it. Because Tojo and Asakura have two sides, the relationship is precious and interesting! In Chapter 5, we ask about the two key players

"Hebbang" Yurina Amami, who plays Tsukasa Tojo, and Yu Serizawa, who plays Kawai Asakura, talk about it. Because Tojo and Asakura have two sides, the relationship is precious and interesting! In Chapter 5, we ask about the two key players
Wright Flyer Studio × Key presents the RPG "Heaven Burns Red" for smartphones and PCs. In this work, we will deliver a conversation between Yurina Amami, who plays Tsukasa Tojo, and Yu Serizawa, who plays Kawai Asakura....

The linked article is in Japanese.