"Gakumas" Hiroshi Shinozawa motif apparel is now available. Blousons and shirts with "contrast" and "scene" images are available. Reservations start today (1/17) at Pre-Bang and other locations

"Gakumas" Hiroshi Shinozawa motif apparel is now available. Blousons and shirts with "contrast" and "scene" images are available. Reservations start today (1/17) at Pre-Bang and other locations
Laugh Valley's fashion brand Glad Garb has announced that it will collaborate with Gakumas. A total of 5 types of items with the motif of the idol Hiroshi Shinozawa who appears in this work are lined up, and they will be available in unisex 3 ~ 4 sizes. At the same time, three original visuals worn by Hiroshi Shinozawa for each product are also released....

The linked article is in Japanese.