Interview with the developers of Arknights: Endfield. The aim of the game that is now revealed, the inheritance from "Arknights", and the reason for the major revamp from the last test

Interview with the developers of Arknights: Endfield. The aim of the game that is now revealed, the inheritance from "Arknights", and the reason for the major revamp from the last test
What's in the latest version of Arknights: Endfield? How is it different from the previous technical test version? What does Ypergryph want to deliver to players? It will be an interview that touches on various points that players are interested in. Interview with the developers of Arknights: Endfield. The aim of the game that is now revealed, the inheritance from "Arknights", and the reason for the major revamp from the last test...

The linked article is in Japanese.