The anime film "Alice in Wonderland -Dive in Wonderland-" will be released on August 29. Nanoka Hara is the voice actress of the main character. "Alice in Wonderland" becomes Japan's first theatrical production

The anime film "Alice in Wonderland -Dive in Wonderland-" will be released on August 29. Nanoka Hara is the voice actress of the main character. "Alice in Wonderland" becomes Japan's first theatrical production
The anime film "Alice in Wonderland" based on "Alice in Wonderland" will be released nationwide on August 29. Nanoka Hara, who played the role of Suzume Iwato in "Suzume's Doorlock", is the voice of the main character. The role of Alice is played by Mica Pugh, who played the role of platelets in the live-action movie "Working Cells"....

The linked article is in Japanese.