This film explores the relationship between humanity and games, which have gone beyond the realm of entertainment and become big business. NHK Special "Game × Humanity" aired on January 25 and 26 for two consecutive nights

This film explores the relationship between humanity and games, which have gone beyond the realm of entertainment and become big business. NHK Special "Game × Humanity" aired on January 25 and 26 for two consecutive nights
 NHK announced today (January 17, 2025) that it will broadcast a special program "Game × Humanity" for two consecutive nights, which will explore the behind-the-scenes of the game market and the changes that games have brought to humanity. Daichi Miura will serve as the navigator, and Naoki Yoshida of "Final Fantasy XIV" and Takayuki Nakayama of "Street Fighter 6" will also appear on the VTR....

The linked article is in Japanese.