Sega, "Hokuto Revive" now features "Nanto Rokusei: Nisei no Shu"!

Sega, "Hokuto Revive" now features "Nanto Rokusei: Nisei no Shu"!
SEGA has announced that "Nanto Rokusei Nisei no Shu" will appear as a new Kenshi in "Fist of the North Star LEGENDS ReVIVE" in the "New UR Kenshi Appearance Event Gacha: Nanto Rokusei Nisei no Shu" and "New UR Kenshi Event Step Up Gacha: Nanto Rokusei Rensei no Shu" which are being held from January 16th. In order to protect the future of the children, he leads the anti-imperial troops according to the fate of the Southern Star and resists Souther......

The linked article is in Japanese.