The "Seiken Densetsu" series, "Lump Soul," "Sifu," "Genshin Impact," "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024," and other new titles will be in the lineup for the fruitful autumn [Game Pass]

The "Seiken Densetsu" series, "Lump Soul," "Sifu," "Genshin Impact," "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024," and other new titles will be in the lineup for the fruitful autumn [Game Pass]
Game Pass is Microsoft's subscription service that allows you to play hundreds of games for a monthly flat fee. Here are some of the most notable titles that are now available on Game Pass this fall. Seven titles will be delivered: "Seiken Densetsu 3 TRIALS of MANA," "Seiken Densetsu Legend of Mana," "Everybody's Favorite Lump Soul Encore + King Petit Memory," "Sifu," "Genshin Impact," "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024," "StarCraft Remasterd," and "StarCraft II Campaign Collection."...

The linked article is in Japanese.