The first installment of "Whiskey Gasha", in which one of Yamazaki 12 years, Hibiki BC, Yamazaki NV, Hakushu NV, or Hibiki JH can be won for 17,610 yen, will be on sale from 8 p.m. on November 21st.

The first installment of "Whiskey Gasha", in which one of Yamazaki 12 years, Hibiki BC, Yamazaki NV, Hakushu NV, or Hibiki JH can be won for 17,610 yen, will be on sale from 8 p.m. on November 21st.
At the Rakuten Ichiba Branch of the Rakuten Ichiba Sake Store Tsutsuikura, "Whiskey Petit Gasha" (20 units) is on sale, where you can win one of Yamazaki 12 Years, Hibiki BC, Yamazaki NV, Hakushu NV, or Hibiki JH....

The linked article is in Japanese.