TSE, 33.7% of companies disclosed during the session in the second quarter financial results, up from 23.9% before the extension There is also a movement to change the "quality" of information disclosure

TSE, 33.7% of companies disclosed during the session in the second quarter financial results, up from 23.9% before the extension There is also a movement to change the "quality" of information disclosure
 The trading hours of the Tokyo Stock Exchange have been extended from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. from November 5, but has there been any change in the time for the announcement of financial results by listed companies? In the past, many companies disclosed information at 3 p.m. immediately after the end of the session, but did many companies continue to disclose information after the end of the session? Or has the number of companies making announcements during the exhibition hours and lunch breaks (hereinafter referred to as "during the attendance hours") increased? It was also attracting attention among market participants. In this regard, the Tokyo Stock Exchange ......

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