"Shadow of the Damned: Hera Remastered" is an "inappropriately moderate game" that landed in the world of Reiwa! Shinji Mikami and Goichi Suda's Hell'× Rockenroll Dialogue Project [gamescom 2024]

"Shadow of the Damned: Hera Remastered" is an "inappropriately moderate game" that landed in the world of Reiwa! Shinji Mikami and Goichi Suda's Hell'× Rockenroll Dialogue Project [gamescom 2024]
NetEase Games interviewed Goichi Suda and Shinji Mikami about the action-adventure game Shadow of the Damned: Hera Remastered, which is scheduled to be released on October 31, 2024....

The linked article is in Japanese.