Yoshinoya's "Manpuku Daisaku Set", which includes Kirby's bowl and frozen beef bowl ingredients, will be available for pre-order from 10 a.m. today and will be sold as a complete made-to-order product at Yoshinoya's official mail order shop

Yoshinoya's "Manpuku Daisaku Set", which includes Kirby's bowl and frozen beef bowl ingredients, will be available for pre-order from 10 a.m. today and will be sold as a complete made-to-order product at Yoshinoya's official mail order shop
 Yoshinoya will start selling the "Manpuku Daisaku Set" at the company's official mail order shop from 10 a.m. today, September 2. The price is 3,999 yen (including shipping). It will be a completely made-to-order product, and will be on sale until 20 o'clock on September 30th....

The linked article is in Japanese.