Fava bean workshop releases demo version of × roguelite game "Super Tax Hike City" on Steam ... Build facilities and build a profitable city that can withstand tax increases

Fava bean workshop releases demo version of × roguelite game "Super Tax Hike City" on Steam ... Build facilities and build a profitable city that can withstand tax increases
On August 29, 2024, Fava Bean Kobo announced that it has released a demo version of the city×-building roguelite game "Super Tax Increase City," which is a city-building roguelite game in which players build facilities and create a profitable city that can withstand tax increases, on Steam. The official release is scheduled for sometime in 2024. Pricing has yet to be determined. This is a roguelite game where you build facilities and build a city where you can make a lot of money. Choose your favorite facility from a random lottery and place it on the map. Moves randomly......

The linked article is in Japanese.