"Hokuto Revive" and the new Kenshi "Kasumi Kenshiro Enou" appeared. The 5th collaboration with "Fist of the Blue Heaven" will be held.
Fist of the North Star LEGENDS ReVIVE Fist of the North Star LEGENDS ReVIVE Distributor SEGA Release Date: 2024/08/31 "Fist of the North Star" smartphone game app "Fist of the North Star LEGENDS ReVIVE" The fifth collaboration of "Fist of the Blue Star" will be held! "Kenshiro Kasumi Enou" joins the fray, celebrating the 5th anniversary! From September 5 (Thursday), 7,777 "Tensei Stones" and other items will be presented A game application for smartphones based on the legendary manga "Fist of the North Star" (original story: Takeronson, manga: Tetsuo Hara), which has exceeded 2 million downloads, "Hoku......
The linked article is in Japanese.
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