"LINE Pokopoko" begins airing a new TV commercial starring Takenori Iwata Iwata, who wears the world's only custom-made Pokota costume, celebrates his 10th anniversary

"LINE Pokopoko" begins airing a new TV commercial starring Takenori Iwata Iwata, who wears the world's only custom-made Pokota costume, celebrates his 10th anniversary
LINE Yahoo! JAPAN has started airing a new TV commercial featuring Takenori Iwata as an image character for the 3-match puzzle game "LINE Poco Poco" (iPhone and Android compatible/free) nationwide (excluding some regions) from Friday, August 30, 2024. In addition, in the game, this TV commercial will be aired and a large-scale campaign to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the start of the service, "Do it to Poco? A total of 100 million yen worth of 2 million people ......

The linked article is in Japanese.