The live-action movie version of "The Legend of Zelda" is a "down-to-earth work" that doesn't use a lot of mocaps. A director who once imagined a movie like "Avatar" reveals his thoughts - Overseas reports | Game*Spark - Domestic and international game information site

The live-action movie version of "The Legend of Zelda" is a "down-to-earth work" that doesn't use a lot of mocaps. A director who once imagined a movie like "Avatar" reveals his thoughts - Overseas reports | Game*Spark - Domestic and international game information site
Regarding the "The Legend of Zelda" live-action movie, which was announced in November 2023, director Wes Ball revealed his thoughts on the production style of the work in an interview with overseas media Polygon. Director Wes Ball, who doesn't use Mocap a lot, made James Cameron's "Avatar" in 2010, before he worked on "The Maze Runner."...

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