Horror ADV "Apathy: The Seven Wonders of Narukami Academy + Dangerous Transfer Student" will be released on August 1st. Packaged version with additional scenarios and DLC "Dangerous Transfer Student"

Horror ADV "Apathy: The Seven Wonders of Narukami Academy + Dangerous Transfer Student" will be released on August 1st. Packaged version with additional scenarios and DLC "Dangerous Transfer Student"
 Mobius today announced that it will release the Nintendo Switch software "Apathy Narukami Gakuen Seven Wonders + Dangerous Transfer Student" on August 1st. This work is a packaged version of "The Seven Wonders of Apathy Narukami Gakuen" released in August 2022, which includes the scenario added in the update and the additional DLC "Dangerous Transfer Student"....

The linked article is in Japanese.