"Sakatsuki RTW" and the collaboration scout "6th Anniversary Captain Tsubasa SCOUT" featuring members of the TV anime "Captain Tsubasa Season 2 Junior Youth Edition" will be held

"Sakatsuki RTW" and the collaboration scout "6th Anniversary Captain Tsubasa SCOUT" featuring members of the TV anime "Captain Tsubasa Season 2 Junior Youth Edition" will be held
Sega has released a sports development simulation game called Let's Create a Professional Soccer Club! To commemorate the 6th anniversary of the service on Friday, April 19, 2024, "Road to World" (hereinafter referred to as "Sakatsuki RTW"), a special collaboration scout "6th Anniversary Captain Tsubasa SCOUT" will be held, featuring the members of the TV anime "Captain Tsubasa Season 2 Junior Youth Edition" as five new ★players. TV anime......

The linked article is in Japanese.