In commemoration of the 400th serialization of "Higishijima 48 Days Later...", famous manga artists have released a series of celebratory illustrations at once, including illustrations by Shuichi Shigeno of "Initial D", Nobuyuki Fukumoto of "Kaiji", and Katsuhisa Minami of "The Fable"
Young Magazine's website also features illustrations by Shuichi Shigeno (Initial D), Nobuyuki Fukumoto (Kaiji), and Katsuhisa Minami (The Fable). Mr./Ms. with lots of "log" illustrationsThe post "Higanjima 48 Days Later..." Famous manga artists released a series of celebratory illustrations to commemorate the 400th serialization. Illustrations by Shuichi Shigeno of "Initial D", Nobuyuki Fukumoto of "Kaiji", and Katsuhisa Minami of "The Fable" appeared first on Denfaminico Gamer – Why don't you read an interesting article about the game?....
The linked article is in Japanese.
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