"Seiken Densetsu VISIONS of MANA" and the special movie "Continuation, Life with Seiken Densetsu (Seiken Densend)" are released. As one boy walks through his life, he reflects on his memories of the series

"Seiken Densetsu VISIONS of MANA" and the special movie "Continuation, Life with Seiken Densetsu (Seiken Densend)" are released. As one boy walks through his life, he reflects on his memories of the series
 Square Enix today released a special movie titled "Continuation: A Life with Seiken Densetsu VISIONSofMANA," which is scheduled to be released in the summer of 2024. It looks back on the memories of the series from the first game released in 1991 to this one, along with the journey of one boy....

The linked article is in Japanese.