Team ACT Releases Criminal Quarantine World as a Browser Game... A full-length ADV indie game that combines a novel game with 12 mini-games

Team ACT Releases Criminal Quarantine World as a Browser Game... A full-length ADV indie game that combines a novel game with 12 mini-games
Team ACT released the full-length ADV indie game "Criminal Isolation World" as a browser game (PC and android compatible) on April 10th. Team ACT is a development team of 55 volunteers gathered for this game by Azami, an individual game creator. It is a trilogy, with the middle part (episodes 5~8) scheduled to be released in August 2024 and the second part (episodes 9~12) released in December 2024. This game is a novel game multiplied by 12 mini-games. ......

The linked article is in Japanese.