Reports of rampant fraudulent activities such as DMCA abuse attacks and "like-earning traps" by UEFN creators of "Fortnite" are rampant. Nailed to stop the formula

Reports of rampant fraudulent activities such as DMCA abuse attacks and "like-earning traps" by UEFN creators of "Fortnite" are rampant. Nailed to stop the formula
In the 'Unreal Editor for Fortnite', the act of using the DMCA to make fake copyright infringement applications and illegally earn "likes" has been seen, and Epic Games has officially warned you. Reports of rampant fraudulent activities such as DMCA abuse attacks and "like-earning traps" by UEFN creators of "Fortnite" are rampant. Nailed to stop the formula...

The linked article is in Japanese.