The voice actors of the anime "Pokémon" Orange Academy teachers are announced. Masato Oba as Clavel, Sanae Kobayashi as Omodaka, Yu Hatanaka as Zinnia, Eriko Matsui as Yellowfin [Anipoke]

The voice actors of the anime "Pokémon" Orange Academy teachers are announced. Masato Oba as Clavel, Sanae Kobayashi as Omodaka, Yu Hatanaka as Zinnia, Eriko Matsui as Yellowfin [Anipoke]
The synopsis and advance cut of episode 46, which will be the start of the new chapter "Terastal debut" of the anime "Pokémon", have been released. It will be broadcast on April 12 at 18:55....

The linked article is in Japanese.